


Brand Consultancy

This is a 90 Minutes virtual meeting to provide brand clarity for client who are individuals. During this session, we listen to the clients dreams and heart. We draw out a list of attainable objectives and begin to point them in the direction best suited to achieve these while staying on brand. By the time this session is completed, clients will be clear on what they are creating, who it is for, why it matters, what inherent or developed traits best project the brand and the surest path to victory. This offering is billed per session.

Brand Project Consultancy

This involves sound-boarding and advisory for clients who require an external brand consultant on a project. It is best suited for organisations who either have an internal communications team or an agency but require a fresh perspective on how their brand story/promise can be projected. With this offering, our team will commit 15 – 30 hours over a 4-week period to become a part of the client’s team. This offering is billed per hour.

Brand Strategy

This is a broad package that involves a series of assignments ranging from brand audit to creating a narrative that drives the positioning and story of the brand. Under this service, we develop an overall strategy that will give decisive advantage and then we create a detailed road map for implementation. At the end of this task, our client has a document that anyone within their organisation can follow strictly to achieve the desired results. This offering runs in a 10-day cycle and billed per project for Tier 1 or Tier 2 type companies.


This includes brand and Creative Development Training. The emphasis on the science of marketing and brand communications are as important as the practical applications required in any business environment. Our trainings are founded on the premise of a model we call Decisive Advantage. Decisive Advantage is the strategic advantage a business has over its rival businesses where the consumer constantly and consistently chooses to buy into its offering even before arriving at the sales location. Our task is to help our client’s teams define what their brand promise is, become strategic in their approach to product development and marketing communications, determine the best route to widen their reach and convert interactions into transactions. This offering is billed as either a full day or half day session with at most 25 people per class.

Brand Identity

We help our clients come up with designs and channels/collateral that effectively communicate their “promise”. We never do this in isolation of getting clarity on what the heart of the brand is. We ensure that the identity we create is a reminder of the brand promise. At the end of the project the following items are delivered to the client; CI Manual and Brand Identity Design Document. This offering is billed per project.

Campaign Development

Unlike our other offerings which are strictly strategic, this is 80% tactical. Our campaign development process includes Ideation, Campaign Design, Execution Calendar/schedule and Orientation for the execution team. Our research has shown that to develop ideas that yield a high return on Investment we must help in creating consistent engagement within the customer lifecycle of our client which will lead to a two-way conversion. This offering is billed per project.